Tuesday, July 20, 2010


No doubt about it, I'm a knock out. Unfortunately, I can't help feeling like a punching bag.

Monday, July 19, 2010


Lately, things haven't been good, here at least. Most of my life, up til now, I've been fortunate to at least have a handle on one aspect of my life if another was out of control. Now though, it's like the universe has decided I've graduated and kicked me out on my own. Tough love from the universe.

There's plenty of cliches involving strength, growth, and appreciation. Most of those are intended to instill hope and patience for the conclusion. What is supposed to help me in the now?

I'm doing what I'm supposed to do and I'm doing what I need to do but, somehow the laws of reciprocity have been working under slow justice.

I know that this will not be the end of me. That would be too easy. When this does end, whether or not I'm a better person for it, I'm going to raise my voice to the universe and say, "Was that f'ing necessary?!" To which I will not get a response but, at least I will have spoken it.

---Side note. Boys from Oklahoma are cute.---

Sunday, July 18, 2010

So I'm back. Well kindof.

Well after many YEARS I've reincarnated "Musings for the Museless" on blogspot. Long gone are the hilarious antics of Weekday Hoe. Now my stories may be a bit darker but musings cannot always be the same hue. I hope to make people think! Not huge life changing thoughts but simply think. Create an original thought. Learn something new. Transcend routine. Be different. Without original thoughts you're merely a consumer. Be a peach------Produce. Get it? Oh yeah expect bad humor also. Love.