Thursday, September 22, 2011


My GuyBFF and I have ridiculous amounts of fun together.

One of my favorite memories is driving home after a night out....think it was a concert at the Doublewide......Jeep, top (Jeep top) and doors off, great weather, singing at the top of our lungs to Taylor Swift's "You Belong to Me." Both of us.

It's one of those songs you don't like, but Clear Channel shoves down your throat every thirty minutes so you know all the words.

I guess that infers that I listen to Clear Channel stations too often.


Saturday, September 17, 2011


I wanted to say I get the humor in having both Hooters and Twin Peaks as vendors at the Balloon festival.

Went to the Balloon festival this morning. I wouldn't normally go, but my doppelganger was going to be there with her family. I hadn't had a chance to meet her mother and father so I said to myself, "What the heck. I'll get up at 6:45 in the morning and go to a hot air balloon festival." I'm not one for mornings, but I did it. I woke up and with a cheery disposition I braved the crowd. The balloons weren't able to launch due to the weather, but as a consolation prize, we got to enter the launch field and see the balloons up close. Pretty nifty.

Anyways, I got to visit with my wonder twin and her family. Such nice people! I'm sure that we must be related in some way. They are too cool not to be related.

A wonderful way to start my day. Now I'm off to study.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Terrorizing Terriers

Reflecting upon THE most comical morning of the year.

It starts off with the fact that I have to get up early which is never pleasant for anyone involved. So I manage to get up and dressed without making too much noise or turning on every light in the house. Good start. I grab my laptop and remember to grab the portfolios I graded because tonight is the only night I'll have to get them to my office. I even remember to grab my parking sticker AND turn off the kitchen light. Man I'm off to a good start!

Ok so I hit the button to open the garage door and a yapping Yorkshire Terrier greets me. Ugh, I don't have time for this. Immediately I look for a collar. No collar. GRRR. What am I going to do? This dog is in between me and my car, barking. So I, with laptop, folder full of papers, purse, and parking sticker on my finger, walk directly to my car and proceed to drop everything. Papers everywhere, parking sticker somewhere, laptop was caught between my thigh and the car door. So the dog is frightened and runs home right? Not quite. Dog runs INTO my garage!

Dog, get out of my garage. No. Dog continues to bark at me from inside MY house. That's nice. So what do I do? I need to get to work, I can't lock him in my garage. I'm already feeling guilty that I'm not in dog rescue mode. Here's what I do...I go into the garage and the dog is still barking at me. I get a long handled implement to usher the yapper out of the garage. What is the response? Cowering and puppy dog eyes. Ok fine, you win dog. I still don't know what to do. I just sit there for a few moments staring at this dog.

Then it hits me. Cell Phones are great inventions. Call the fiance at six in the morning. Problem fixed. He helps me get the dog into a crate (which it is a bit too large for). This part was quite comical because the dog wouldn't get into the crate willingly. So the fiance picks up the dog by the scruff of the next and I hold the crate. Fiance lowers the dog into the crate.

I go to work.

Today is a few days removed. Fiance found the owners who were very thankful. Unfortunately, the dog is still living outside. :(

Saturday, September 10, 2011

I entitled this post "Football," but do not mention the sport once.....

I know it's been a long time since I've blogged. Quite a few things have happened.

1. I'm engaged
2. I'm getting ready to graduate college with my B.A.

I'm sure there are a myriad of other important things that have happened, but this is all that comes to mind at the moment.

That last post was a doozy wasn't it. I think I was wound a bit tight that day.

Anyways, I decided to post because I sent my gf to this site to read my detective fiction short story and I felt accountable for not posting regularly. I need to start finding some more pics to post. That Alex Praeger pic is great.

Today is more rambling than musing. That's ok.

The one thing I will impart on you my gentle reader (s) is this:

Snakes do not regurgitate venom. Using this as a metaphor is illogical and weakens your argument. Yes it is grammatical and yes we really do understand what you are trying to relate. The point is, if you are trying to insult someone, you shouldn't use metaphors or examples that destroy the credibility of your logic.

Just a thought.