When I was a child, I only remember ONE of my nightmares. In my dream, I awoke in my bed and there was a huge boa constrictor type snake next to me. I was paralyzed with fear and it bit me in the thumb.
So tonight I'm up with worry (again). Nightmares, worry, and frustration seem to frequent my evenings (and days for that matter). Lately, I have been having nightmares about snakes. In the first nightmare, a snake fell from the ceiling. It fell right in front of my body, I felt it as it fell. In fact, I woke up gasping/screaming. In the second nightmare there was one snake and I was getting used to it. I wasn't happy about it being there but, I wasn't as panicky and as scared with it being there. Then all of a sudden, snakes started coming out of everywhere. Little snakes, medium sized snakes. There were hundreds.
I read an article online that said snakes can symbolize worry and unresolved issues. Maybe in the first dream I had one issue and it was being put before me to resolve. Whether I liked it or not, it was being forced in the forefront for me to tackle. Maybe I haven't quite conquered this task, therefore my second dream meant my issues are going to multiply.
What if it's a matter of I don't know how to do this task, or I don't want to do this task, or I can't do this task? Am I going to have nightmares about snakes forever? How do I stop worrying? Should I take the Bob Newhart advice and just "STOP IT!"? I wish I could! That's easier said that done.
One of my favorite dreams when I was a child was of flying. Maybe I could have that dream tonight. Um.....I wouldn't mind flying with John Legend "So High". :)
P.s. After writing this, I attempted to find a picture of a snake to post. Not the brightest idea. The images were quite scary. Going to go with a picture of John Legend instead.
Start YOGA again ASAP;)